Finding Your Perfect Foundation With This Guide To Help You Along The Way.

When it comes to foundation finding you perfect match can be difficult there are so many to choose from. What colour is right for me? Do I want a shimmer or a matte? It can take time to find your little pot of gold that you swear by. I love changing up my foundation for the warmer month to the cooler months. I also mix my foundations to give me a darker coverage when my skin is tanned. I have a few foundations that I change for the times of the year. But with learning about my own skin and trying many foundations until I found the right ones for me It took me a long time and I would buy foundation that where to dark and to light.

So it would have been so helpful to have a guide to help make the choice easier.

This is where the foundation review comes in they have spent 40 hours researching 364 formulas they have chosen they best. They picked which they found to be the best by eliminated foundations that had fewer then 12 shades testing and asking the experts. 

Check out the foundation review Here.

Enjoy learning reading and finding your perfect match!

