Epilator Satinelle Soft, Keeping My Legs Hair Free.

Now I love things all about beauty but shaving is the bain of my life I hate it. Because a day after I haves shaved it seems the hair is back and I have to do it again its messy and take ages. Yes I'm not a fan but are a huge fan of hair free legs I love smooth hair free legs and they feel so soft and look so nice. I could do waxing but that can be costly and as I'm a saver of money thats out of the question. I did have an electric razor but I still had to us it every other day to keep on top of the stubble growing back in and it only took the top of the hair above the skin, It broke and to replace was about £70 that I didn't have so I decided to use the other attachment. 

Then I had another attachment that is this epliator So I read up on it and thought why not give it a try and after a week of using I had become obsessed and love it. I will be honest it did hurt at first where it did bring tears to my eyes but think its cause it was my first time using it and I always think the first time is the worst. but when the hair starts to grow back its not as bad, Some hairs grew faster than others so I use this about twice a week just to get any of the hairs that are coming through. But it doesn't take much time as I'm not doing a full shave its literally grabbing the hair that are a tad longer and pulling them straight out from the root. This elpiator is basically loads of rotating tweezers that grab the hairs and pull them right from the root which helps with slow growth making them take longer to grow back.

My Experience.
The first shave will take awhile but regrowth will be a breeze.
First I saved about a 5 days before to let all the hair grow back and long enough for the tweezers to grab them but not long enough for them to get court. Some people prefer waxing the legs first and on regrowth using the epliator but I just shave before hand. I would say the pain was worse in some areas of my legs, on a scale 1 to 10 I would say the first time the pain was a 7. 

Now some started to grow back after a week but using it twice a week keeps my legs hair free and I just have the odd hair here and there which I just quickly remove with my epilator but there not that visible.

After they start to grow back I did notice I had a few ingrown hairs. So twice a week in between epilating I use body scrub gloves to remove the dead skin which helps get rid of the ingrown hair.

After scrubbing and using the epilator and on days when my legs feel dry I keep them well moisturised and top up on days when I need. I always epilate on clean legs.

Always go slow when epilating this helps to grab the hair and pull them out quicker hold the epilator at about a 60% angle and pull up the legs I always use my the way the hair grow. check out YouTube to see videos on how to use. I love mine so much I am taking it when I go on holiday which will just save me from spending every other days shaving my entire legs which is messy and can take awhile.
The pain after using this for the past 2 months my legs don't really hurt anymore the most pain is about a 2 now and thats just when it pull the odd hair out thats a bit stubborn. Some times it feels like a massage I know that sounds strange but it really does.

So there you have it thats how I keep my legs hair free and I love it. I would recommend trying epilator I love the fact I don't have to think about my legs again I also quite enjoy doing it to. Always make sure you research before so you know ifs its write for you.
