Acne Toner Using Tea Tree Oil Home Made.

I have acne so finding an acne product that not only works but is also affordable is a must.
This is a home made remedy for acne very simple to make and affective.
Tea tree on its own can be very strong and harsh for the skin so this is a watered down version but is still very affective.
Check out at the bottom of the page how I make the toner very simple and easy.
This is my favourite and the best acne product I have ever used.
I use this morning and evening before moisturiser.
If I have a really big spot thats stubborn I use the tea tree oil and apply a drop to a cotton bud and apply straight onto the spot to kill any germs.

Tea Tree Oil is a fantastic product this is my favourite to buy for making a toner its very cheap and works so well and I have seen a huge difference to my skin by using this over a period of time.
How it works.
Anti-septic helps stop the growth of germs organisms on the skin.
Anti-bacterial helps to stop and kill the bacteria lying on your skin.
Anti-Inflammatory helps to stop your skin from becoming inflamed.
So with the combination of all these they work together by stopping spots from spreading and becoming inflamed.
If you touch your face with unwashed hands you are spreading germs and this helps to kill the germs you pick up through the day.
This is £1.49 from B&M.
 I just use a travel bottle and always pick the 100ml for making my toners.
So here how I made it all you need is tree tea oil of any kind a empty bottle preferable 100ml with a screw top and tap water or you can us bottled water.
I fill the empty bottle about 3 quarters full then apply the tea tree oil.
This step is a personal preference depending on how strong you want it.
So I fill mine until I have a about half a cm at the top.
The oil is lighter than water so it will lay on top of the water.
If you would like yours weaker start off with putting 5 drops try it and then 10 and so on until you have the perfect strength for you.
Then your done.
A very inexpensive acne toner.

Before using all you need to do is shake the bottle to mix the Tea Tree oil and water together and apply to a cotton pad and sweep over the face this can also be used to treat cuts and grazes.
If you have a insect bites apply over the affected area.

I always us a good moisturiser after.

This isn't an over night thing but the ore you use it you will find your skin looks better and the acne is as aggressive.
I'm not saying this is a cure and will completely get rid of acne, But this will defiantly help.
If you try this tell me what you think comment below or send me a message on twitter.

