Bridget Jones Diary Movie Night.

To me this is a great alternative that still has a festive side to it but is not just filled to the brim with Christmas but still makes you feel festive great to watch with chocolates and a glass of wine with your girlfriends.

Synopsis from the back of the DVD:
"The hit film from Helen Fielding's classic novel. On News Years Day, hung over and still single, Bridget Jones a 30-something London girl - decides to get a grip on her life and start a diary: Resolution number one: obviously,will lose twenty pounds. Number two: will find nice sensible boyfriend and not continue to form romantic attachments to alcoholics, workaholic, peeping-toms, megalomaniacs, emotional f***wits or perverts"

So as you can tell not everything goes to plan and wanting to find the right boyfriend she ends up falling for her boss what could possible go wrong well alot.

A great movie Bridget Jones Played By Renee Zellweger plays this creature to perfection.
This is a great chick flick romantic comedy that is good watch all year round, 

