The 30 Spooky Halloween Tag.

Happy Halloween
I do love Halloween the great movies on the TV and parties and trick and treating.
It the season to be fun and wild and I love it's spookiness and I love horror movies.
I found this Tag on the internet I couldn't resist so here's is my answers at the bottom of this page are all the question if you would like to do it just copy and paste. 
 Lets get started

1. Favourite horror or Halloween-themed song?
Thriller Michael Jackson you can never go wrong with this song for a Halloween party.

2. Name something you wouldn't want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building.
I wouldn't want to run into The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers as he can fly and you cant kill him he just comes back foe 21 days ever 21 years. 

3. Have you ever played with a Ouija Board?
No but it does interest me I would if it wasn't in my own house.

4. Favourite horror monster or villain?
It has to be Michael Myers classic horror movie, Now there has been many remakes and many movies using the shape and the story but my favourite has to be the originals from 1978 and 1981 Halloween 1 & 2.
The fact that he had no emotion and stalks his pray and is so slow makes it even more terrifying.

5. The creepiest thing that’s ever happened while you were alone?
Just the normal bumps, noises and creeks.

6. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house”, would you do it?
Depends if I was on my own then no but with a group yes.
I love urban exploration I have done it once but would love to do it again so interesting.
All the abandon buildings just feel so haunted.

7. Are you superstitious?
Yes I am.

8. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision?
Yes I believe I have. Though i saw someone walk past when i went to see who it was there was no one there.
9. Which urban legend scares you the most?
Being buried alive that's the one that scares me the most out of them all. As I'm  claustrophobic its not to bad i can handle everyday being in crowds and lifts. But not being buried alive gosh just thinking about it is bad enough, lets move on.

10. Do you prefer gore or thrillers?
I would go with thrillers as I can watch them and really get into every part of the movie. But gore.

11. Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?
I think yeah as anything is possible.

12. Ever made a potion of any sort?
I used make perfume when I was young water little bottle and we used to pick petals and make perfume.

13. Do you get scared easily?
Yes I live a house over 100 years old so your always hearing noises and sounds.
I'm sure it hunted as things get moved and lose things easily.

14. Have you ever played Bloody Mary?
Yes at school there always was a story about and old grey lady in the mirror played it but nothing happened. Still creepy feeling.

15. Do you believe in demons/the devil?
I believe there possible but don't know to much about them, I however do believe in ghosts.

16. You’re home alone but you hear footsteps in your house, what do you do?
I think in movies you always shout run but in reality you do go and check it out, Because you never think anything going to happen to you.

17. If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?
Scream because they are mortal and same as you so you have more of a chance.
Than someone who never dies no matter what happens to them.

18. If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would you be?
Vampire with a beautiful dress like the film Interview With The Vampire.
I love the olden vintage look and by the way what a fab movie is that.

19. would you ever go to a graveyard at night?
Yeah I would but Id be scared but I would go as long as someone came with me.

20. In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?
A sword because you wouldn't have an endless amount of bullets. So a sword it would be.

21. Would you rather go to a Halloween party or go trick or treating?
A party It's only young children who go trick or treating. So great costume, party, beer and a fab group of people and and that makes for a great night.

22. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the sceptic, the smart one, or the killer?
I think I'm the smart one as I am good in a bad situation. 

23. Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so you can go to sleep?
Yeah if I've just watched a  scary movie I always turn on to a few channels till I've watch a nice TV show for at least 5 minuets then switch off, Makes me sleep better so I can sleep better.

24. Whilst watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time, or the person who falls asleep?
The person to cover there eyes as I jump so easily and there's something comforting about hugging a pillow whilst watching.

25. Are you the one who gets scared, or the one who does the scaring?
I get scared if its scream they are easy watch films and don't scare me.

26. Favourite scary book?
Books? It's movies for my but if I have to think of a great author its has to be Stephen King.
The shinning, IT The Green Mile, The shawshank Redemption.

27. How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?
Very young 6 maybe 7 back then I remember seeing Freddy Kruger and The Lost Boys.

28. What was your first Halloween costume?
Not really sure but I do remember one year being a devil and the next being a witch.

29. What are you going to be for Halloween this year?
Haven't got no party to go to. But if I was going to go I would be a creepy horror clown with blood and gory as I do like blood on Halloween also I can juggle so I think it would be so creepy and look quite cool. 
I always have to go creepy as you don't get the chance to do this very often and its a lot of fun.

30. If you could have a spooky Halloween pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf), what would you pick?
An owl they are beautiful and can be creepy watching you when you walking past they just stare and move there head so slow kind of like them creepy paintings with the eyes that follows you.
That's it, really enjoyed doing this tag, Sorry i am not sure who created this tag but it's a great tag and question's
If you would like to do this just copy and paste the question below and enjoy.

1. Favourite horror or Halloween-themed song?
2. Name something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building.
3. Have you ever played with a Ouija Board?
4. Favourite horror monster or villain?
5. The creepiest thing that’s ever happened while you were alone?
6. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house”, would you do it?
7. Are you superstitious?
8. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision?
9. Which urban legend scares you the most?
10. Do you prefer gore or thrillers?
11. Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?
12. Ever made a potion of any sort?
13. Do you get scared easily?
14. Have you ever played Bloody Mary?
15. Do you believe in demons/the devil?
16. You’re home alone but you hear footsteps in your house, what do you do?
17. If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?
18. If you could only wear one halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would you be?
19. would you ever go to a graveyard at night?
20. In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?
21. Would you rather go to a Halloween party or go trick or treating?
22. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer?
23. Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so you can go to sleep?
24. Whilst watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time, or the person who falls asleep?
25. Are you the one who gets scared, or the one who does the scaring?
26. Favorite scary book?
27. How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?
28. What was your first Halloween costume?
29. What are you going to be for Halloween this year?
30. If you could have a spooky halloween pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf), what would you pick?
Have fun Trick and Treating.
