Lake District A Little Day Trip Out.

Here are just a few pictures that I took when I went to the Lake District.
I love going to the Lake District it is so pretty and has beautiful scenery.
The people are so dog friendly nearly every shop we went to we were aloud to bring in Oliver.
Even when we went to get a sandwich we could bring in Oliver I couldn't believe that he was aloud in a food shop they even came round the counter and gave him a bit of ham which he was so pleased about.

It such a great place to go hiking or walking.
Oliver really wanted to chase the ducks that's why we always have him on his lead, But he did manage to get in the lake and have a little swim to cool him self down.
It such a great day trip out I love visiting the beautiful country side and seeing the gorgeous scenery.
Here a few pictures I took.
I love taking pictures of scenery and landscapes I am a very outdoors person I love being outdoors in all weathers.
Being outdoors and seeing new places is something I really enjoy especially with my dog Oliver.

