Mikki Soft Pin Slicker For Fine/Medium Coats.

Oliver is a cocker spaniel.
He goes to the groomers 3 times a year.
But in-between I groom him myself and one of the tools I use is this Soft Pin Slicker.
For grooming tools Mikki is my favourite brand they are well made and great prices.
Also they work really well and there a brush that suits every breed.

 Its got a really nice soft handle so grip is nice and has red rubber parts on the handle make it none sleep.
The pins are flattened on the top so there not sharp and they are curved To grip the fur.
I love slicker brushes there are the best for grooming.
Its so soft and brushing my dogs fur is a breeze and he does not mind.
The longer the fur gets the more loose under coat I get out.
Brushing your dogs fur keeps the fur from tangles and knot.
Here's the back of the packaging about this product.

Find Online at Pet Supermarket for £5.56, Spend over £9.90 and get free delivery. 

Not just for dogs they also do products for your smaller pets.
Check out there online web page for all there other products.

