Keeping Fit Fun Active And Free.

I have never been a gym person keep-fit classes never, Jogging out in all weathers has never been my thing.
The way I exercises is in the comfort of my own home costing nothing at all while still getting trained and learning new routines and having fun.
FUN is the most important thing about keeping-fit for me because I get board easily and if working out is to hard I give up easily so it's important to me to have fun with it.

So here how I keep-fit.

One way is walking I am a lover of the outdoors and really enjoy walking through fields by rivers and enjoy the country fresh air, I have a dog so there's no excuse not to grab the lead and get out. I take him out everyday I walk him at least 1.4 miles and when the weathers nice we go further afield and can walk up to 4 miles. there's something nice to get out walking with your dog and meeting other dog owners and letting the dogs play together. If you have a dog get out and take them for walks it also help relieve stress. A great way to stay fit.

Dancing is a fun way to keep-fit similar to zumba I have been watching CLUB FITz YouTube channel thats fun with easy to learn dance routines that work your body and make you sweat with different playlists that are tailored to what part of your body you want to work.
If you have already check it out, I already feel alot fitter and stronger.
Try it.

Last but not least I have always liked kick boxing as a way off keeping fit and think this is a really good way of working all of your body muscles it's a killer but a winner a great way of working muscles you may not have felt for a long time trust me on that one.
The great fact is you can choose how much and how long you follow these videos so if you have ten minuets of exercise time thats all you have to do. The channel I have been watching is Fitness Blender Not only is this channel got kit-boxing videos but also has many different playlists and also different workout videos to suit you I really enjoy these easy to learn and love the slow down motion for you to get use to the moves so you can keep up when they speed up.

The great fact is it's free and you can do these when every you want.
YouTube has so many channels that are for keep-fit and you can tailor your workout to your ability and time.

I feel stronger fitter and can heavy lift and just feel better after a workout.
Oh and I really enjoy the workouts I do.
There fun and really keep me on my toes I changed these works out and try different videos from these channel so that ever time I work out I am doing something new.
Try it for yourself.
