Autumn On My Blog.

Here is a sneak peak for some of the posts that will be up this Autumn I have lots of post planned.
Now I have tried to post at least 10 times every month but September was a fantastic month for me and I didn't get much done but have planned on getting a lot done this October but had a little set back as I poked my eye with sissors yes sissors so for the past few days I haven't been on my laptop to do any writing as my eye is soar but will heal and be back to normal soon.

I love Autumn to me autumn is a lovely and cosy season. Just before winter which I love. But Autumn has the prettiest fashion I love big bobble hats cosy warm coats and the colours are so pretty. With Halloween and Bonfire nights which are so much fun and then we have Christmas coming up which I can honestly say is my favourite not just the day but the whole build up.
I just wanted to explain why I haven't uploaded for the past month as I defiantly haven't forgotten my blog as I love this site.

Also creating content can sometimes be difficult as  your not happy with the pictures or you cant think of anything to write about.

Keep an eye on my blog for up and coming post and also keep a check on my social media links on site.

