Pumpkin Carving, All At The Price Of 50p

Here is a few tips and tricks to help with carving your pumpkin.
I remember when I was young that we used turnips in stead of pumpkins and they were a nightmare to carve so this is a lot easier.
I have to admit this is my first pumpkin I've carved in years.
But there are a few things if you get them wrong it can ruin your pumpkin.
Keep reading to found out how I created my happy pumpkin.

First you have to find the perfect pumpkin I always go for the one that has one side that looks clean and smooth.
This is a medium I picked up from Morrisons.
Make sure you lay them on a flat surface to make sure they stand without out falling over before you pay.
Next you need to carve in the lid.
This is were many go wrong believe me this happen when I was a kid to avoid the lid falling into it.
Never carve your lid with the knife vertical this will make the lid fall inside.
 Below carve at an angle to the centre of the circle and carve round.
 Once done you should be able to pull out the lid which would look like this.
 Then just cut the point off.
 Next take out the insides leave about a half to and inch of the walls all around and the bootom of the insides.
 Aviod Carving the top slope of the lid as this is what it sits on.
Next used a pencil and draw your design I used Google to get some idea's then start being creative.
This is a great way for your child to help with the pumpkin in a safe way by drawing there design on and you can carve it out.
Then just carefully carve your design out best way is to use a scalpel from a craft store or used a small knife or a standing knife.
 With the mouth you want to add a few more cuts up and down so when pushing the mouth out it doesn't take out the teeth.
Then your finish you can do some more carving its up to you I always go back and carve after just to clean some of the edges.
If you put a candle in the pumpkin then cut a hole out at the top to let smoke out like a chimney.
If your putting a battery candle or lights if much safer for having on your door step.
I'm only using the candle for the pictures.

Then you should have something that looks like this.
Saying that I feel like I'm on Blue Peter.
 Have fun carving Happy Halloween.
