REVOLUTION Ultra Sculpt &Contour Kit Review With Swatches.

Ultra Fair C01 trio
This is a brilliant addition you your make-up bag.
This is only £3.50 which I couldn't believe how good it is for that price.
I was wanting a highlighter as I have had a big clear out of all my old make-up so I want new affordable make-up.
I spotted this product and I though wow its got 3 products in one palette which is great for the handbag or travelling.
So I picked it up and started using it after these pictures were taken and am so pleased with it.
This Bronzer is a great colour very light looks really nice on the skin.
Its a matt bronzer and really nice shade.
when  applying just tap of the excess.
Great to apply to the temples, sides of the nose the hollow of your cheeks and under your jaw line.
Blending is so important so blend blend blend.
This highlighter is just a lovely shade of champagne pink to give for face a nice fresh dewy look.
Has a really nice shimmer to it.
Great to apply to your face to highlight areas.
This Blusher is a beautiful Pink with a hint of orange sheen over the top.
It has about 3 different looks when you hold it up to light.
It gives off a orange look with light and deep pink.
I love blushers the more the merrier so it was a bonus getting another.
All blushers look so nice with different looks and season changes.
You can never really go wrong.
Here are the swatches Below:
Overall i would recommend this product as its so affordable not to try it out.
Check out this and there other products out clicks the links below.
This Product was £3.50.

