Wilko Dry Shampoo 400ml bottles Updated Review/Warning.

As a previous blog post said how amazing these are and back then they were great and everything was fine with the product I started that the bottle was faulty.
The product its self is fine and works really well and I still love that about this product.
But is the bottle it comes in is the problem I had been using it a while and after every time it makes hissing sounds.

I didn't mind at first but then the next time it came to using it the top had white powder all the way round and in the lid. So I just cleaned it off and it was fine to use again.
I did think it was just this bottle, then after a little while I still had loads left but the next day it was empty and the lid was full of powder.
So I started using another one thinking it was just that one bottle but the same thing happened with the other bottle but instead of it being powder in the lid the lid was full of liquid and I didn't realise until I opened it up and it went all over.
So that had to go in the bin.
I will try another od the 200ml bottles and see if it happens but defiantly not the 400ml bottles.
I have used the 200ml and that was fine but it happened with both of the 400ml bottles.
So I would defiantly not recommend this for traveling as your suit case may be filled with dry shampoo liquid and it may stain your clothes.
Which is a real shame as the products is so cheap and the product works really well its just let down by the bottle.

