My Love For Making Lists.

I have a love for making lists.
I cant go a week without making some sorts of list.
I make them about anything and everything.
Like what beauty items I need
What items of clothing do I want to buy for this summer
What I need for Oliver
What food shopping I need

Ideas for blog posts
What nails polish do I want to have in my collection
What fathers day present do I want to buy
When its a birthday I write a list 2 weeks before so I get everything I need
I could literally go on and on.
The reason I am obsessed is I get shopping mind block meaning when I go to town and I have things I need to buy, my mind just goes blank and I can never remember.
I always end up going away with things I don't need or didn't intend to buy.

I also use these to write to-do lists I write these everyday to remember what I have to do and tick them off when I'm done its the most satisfying when you tick every single ting of your list.

As you can tell from my love for making lists,
Note books is what I love to use to write them up in.
Pretty note books that are nicely made and have really nice paper inside.
I use the little note books and my phone to write list to take with me to town.
One of the best places to buy beautiful note books is TKMAXX they have some really unusual and pretty quality note books they are perfect as a gift.

These are the books I use to for my blog to keep me organised and remember when I need to upload and when.
It has help me so much to remember when to get things done by.
I am so much more organised and so happy I get everything done.
