30 Beauty Question Tag.

Hi Guys well I wanted to do a tag and found the 30 beauty questions tag, and really liked it so here are my answers. If you have done this tag comment below.
1. Do you remember your first makeup item?
It was a mascara from Rimmel think it was in a red packaging and I loved it I thing it was about £7.

2. Describe your perfect mascara, have you found one that fits your specifications?
I would love a mascara that gives me the longest lashes and thickens them up. But doesn't give them clumps. Id love the wand to be wide and at the tip be smaller to do my bottom lashes. The packaging to be a rose gold and when you take the wand out it takes the excess off so you don't waste any.
3. What kind of coverage do you prefer your foundation?
I like a thin layer of foundation but that covers your spots and blemishes really well.
4. Favourite high end brand?
From what I own my ILLAMASQUA is my favourite high end brand.
5. What cosmetics brands have you always wanted to try, But still haven't?
MAC, Charlotte Tilbury, Clinique.

6. Favourite drugstore brand?
I love RIMMEL it was my first makeup purchase and I love there make-up.
7. Do you wear false eyelashes?
No, Because my eyelashes fall out a lot I'm surprised I have any left. But I wouldn't say never.
8. Is there any kind of makeup you cant leave the house without?
I don't mind leaving the house without makeup either wearing or in my bag but something I cant leave without is lip balm and hand moisturiser If I forget I end up buying them when I'm out that's why I have many.
9. What is your most cherished beauty product?
It is my ILLAMASQUA nail varnish in Cameo. I love the colour and love the packaging. I just love it.
10. How often do you shop for makeup? do you like to pick up an item here and there or buy loads of goodies all at once?
When ever I'm in town I always have a look. I love having a look an anything that catches my eye is have to get. It depends on what I see sometimes I end up buying loads and sometimes with only one or even none. Nail polish is my weakness so I always end up buying some new colours.
11.Do you have a "beauty budget", or do you spend freely?
I don't have a budget but I don't like to spend to much as I love finding bargains and offers.
12. Do you utilise coupons, rewards cards and sales when you shop for cosmetics?
Yes if it is something I want. I also have a few store points cards which is when you buy something you earn point which turn each point is 1penny. My favourite is the Boots card before Christmas I earned £15 to spend for free. Always buy my dogs Frontline and Drontal in there pharmacy so I make point's of them as well.
13.What type of product do you buy the most of?
It has to be nail polish I have an obsession I love TKMAX for nail polish as you can get Essie and Nails Inc. for under £4 So it a guarantee that I'm in that store. 

14. Is there a brand that you absolutely can't stand?
Not that I can think of. I like all brands.

15. Do you avoid certain ingredients in cosmetics like parabens or sulphates?
No I have never looked at the ingredients in the products.
16. Do you have a favourite place to shop for makeup?
Boots have a really good amount of brand within there stores. I also like Tkmaxx to find a bargain.

17. Do you like trying new skincare products or do you keep a certain routine?
I love trying skin care I have acne and combination skin so I always try to find products that suit my skin. These are some that I really like.
18. Favourite bath and body brand?
Soap and Glory is my favourite there products smell so nice and there body butter are so nice.
19. If you could only buy from one brand, which brand would you choose?RIMMEL Always.
20. What brand do you think has the best packaging?
MaxFactor has really nice, But I love my L'Oreal liquid eye liner.

21. Which celebrity always has great makeup?
I cant thinks of any I love looking at celebrities for there fashion and hairstyles. I love looking on YouTube for inspiration for looks like smoky eye or bright lip and full face make-up techniques.

22. Do you belong to any online makeup communities?
Just Bloglovin.

23. 5 Favourite Beauty Guru's
Very east question
Lisa Eldridge
Essie Button

24. Do you like multifunctional products like lip and cheek stains?
I like them the idea but I don't own any but sometimes I might use a lipstick as blusher but not very often.

25. Are you clumsy in putting makeup?
Yes and No, Sometimes I can apply really well like eye liner and then sometimes it will look terrible. But I am so much better than I used to be Thank You YouTube.

26. Do you use makeup base/primer for the eyes?
I use my Collection perfecting concealer. Little bit on both and that all I use.  

27. How many hair products do you use on a typical day?
On a day when I wash my hair I use 4 shampoo conditioner Heat defence and hair oil.
On a day I don't wash my hair I use 2 dry shampoo and a hair styling product. 

28. What do you apply first, concealer or foundation?
Foundation a very thin layer and I buff it in and then use concealer. 
29. Do you ever consider taking makeup classes?
No I just learn off YouTube.

30. What do you love about makeup?
I love Everything about makeup its like picking an outfit you can change it up. Makeup helps me hide my spots some days there not to bad and then others I have loads. Makeup gives me flawless skin and I can add to it or just leave it. I also love the way you can sculpt your face by contouring.
For me makeup is just like another accessory as I can choose to wear it or not.
If you liked this Tag the questions are below just copy and paste and enjoy answering.
1. Do you remember your first makeup item?
2. Describe your perfect mascara, have you found one that fits your specifications?
3. What kind of coverage do you prefer your foundation?
4. Favourite high end brand?
5. What cosmetics brands have you always wanted to try, But still haven't?
6. Favourite drugstore brand?
7. Do you wear false eyelashes?
8. Is there any kind of makeup you cant leave the house without?
9. What is your most cherished beauty product?
10. How often do you shop for makeup? do you like to pick up an item here and there or buy loads of goodies all at once?
11.Do you have a "beauty budget", or do you spend freely?
12. Do you utilise coupons, rewards cards and sales when you shop for cosmetics?
13.What type of product do you buy the most of?
14. Is there a brand that you absolutely can't stand?
15. Do you avoid certain ingredients in cosmetics like parabens or sulphates?
16. Do you have a favourite place to shop for makeup?
17. Do you like trying new skincare products or do you keep a certain routine?
18. Favourite bath and body brand?
19. If you could only buy from one brand, which brand would you choose?
20. What brand do you think has the best packaging?
21. Which celebrity always has great makeup?
22. Do you belong to any online makeup communities?
23. 5 Favourite Beauty Guru's
24. Do you like multifunctional products like lip and cheek stains?
25. Are you clumsy in putting makeup?
26. Do you use makeup base/primer for the eyes?
27. How many hair products do you use on a typical day?
28. What do you apply first, concealer or foundation?
29. Do you ever consider taking makeup classes?
30. What do you love about makeup?
