My Two Hundredth Post.

I am so pleased with how my blog has turned out.
I had always wanted to create a website and share things I'm interested in but never had the confidence and never really known why I was so scared. Because this has giving me an anchor in my life that I really enjoy just writing and sharing things that I love or am interested in.
With being dyslexic I have always struggled with words, reading and writing but school helped me lot and I am much better than 15 years ago. That's why sometimes my spelling might be wrong and my punctuation is rubbish but I do try.

So I would never have thought that I could create something like this and do it all on my own I set everything up like links which took me ages to learn but you realise you can do anything if you just give it ago.

I am proud of what I have achieved and hope there's many more years of blogging to come.

I never thought I would even achieve over 500 views let alone over 150.000 which I couldn't believe and have had at least 60 different countries from around the world which amazes me.

So it just shows you can achieve if you try.

My personal life also has changed for the better and I couldn't be happier than I am right know  

