Cuffleberry & Co Gourmet Dog Food Deliciousness.

Look at this beautiful hamper for my lovely dog Oliver to try.
As soon as I opened this up I couldn't wait to read what special ingredients are in these four.
All I can say is wow!

Cuffleberry & Co is a gourmet dog food brand that uses all the finest  meat and fish with mouthwatering ingredients that not only taste good but have vitamins and minerals that come from fruit and vegetables.
They have a passion and a love for creating the most finest food to give your furry friend. They understand the love between both owner and dog which is a very special bond, With such a loving company you can with trust that there food is made with love and passion.

Cuffleberry & Co create this delicious food in there rural kitchen working with a team of nutritionists and chefs and supplier to select superior ingredients to give your dog the most mouthwatering dog food.

I love finding food that gives my dog a full and happy stomach, as well as keeping his interest so I love finding food that is different and unquic which this defiantly is.

So lets see what gorgeous food my Oliver has tasted.
 This tin has Venison, Duck, Cranberry & Green Beans In A Herb Gravy.
This has lovely meaty chunks with visible green beans and juice cranberry's with the gravy you can see that its infused with herbs.
This is a very juice meal that has lots of texture with the succulent gravy, A very yummy meal for your dog.
I gave this to Oliver for his verdict and oh my he tucked in and left a very clean bowl at the end so clean it looked like I had just washed it. My dog seemed to really enjoy licking as much of the gravy and chomping into the lovely chunks of meat. He seemed to really enjoy every month full.

 This tin has Beef, Venison, Apricots & Green Beans With Herbs.
 This is more of a textured pate with beautiful orange coloured apricots and green beans with herbs.
This is a very filling succulent meal that is tasty with the added sweetness of the apricots.
My Oliver has never tasted apricots before so I was unsure how he would like them and I can tell you he loved them not a single bit of food was left at the end, He tucked in and enjoyed every minuet of it.

 This has Pork, Ham, Apple & Celery With Herbs.
This is like a pate texture looking meat thats full of juiciness this is succulent and with beautiful tasty apple & celery. This is a 150g foil tray, so for the smaller dog, I gave this to my Oliver and he didn't even look up until it was all gone this had a lovely texture and looked very mouthwatering.

The has White Fish, Sweet Potatoes & Peas With Parsley.
This is a lovely juicy pate looking meaty fish that has the sweetness from the sweet potatoes which taste very nice and having visible peas that are mixed in.
My dog loved tucking into this one is a meaty fish pate. He dived into his dish and never looked up until he finished with the gravy coating the bowl he enjoyed licking even part of his bowl until all of it was gone.

 Now can we just talk about the packaging how cute is it. I love the added label over the tin and foil trays. I also love the dog patterns, It makes you feel like not only is the food fantastic but the packaging feels like it's all made with love.
This is little Oliver checking out his new food in this beautiful hamper. He either can smell them or he know that this is for him.

Well with a final verdict these are a very succulent and tasty meal for your dog they are very luxurious with quality ingredients made with love and care.

Check out these and there other products (Link at the top of the page) on their website as each page has a list of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs and informs you how they benefit your dog. Just click in view product and scan down the page and there is the list of ingredients I haven't seen any other dog food products go into this much detail, Which I really like and find very interesting.
 This was a very lovely hamper filled with some beautiful food for my very special Oliver the food was out of this world with ingredients fit for a king or Queen.

