A Guide To Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer.

I am writing this post as a guide that may just help or give you some ideas to keep your dog cool and happy this summer.
Each and every year we see people leaving dogs in hot cars and hear news on dogs being so over walked in the hot sun they end up dying from overheating and so many dogs get taken to the vets due to burn on their feet from hot pavements.

So I wanted to create a guide to help and to share some of the things I have learnt over the years.
I am no expert but if this helps just one dog and owner then it is all worth it.
If I haven't written a tip that you know then please comment below.
I will split this into sections enjoy reading and I hope this helps.
Some of these tips may be repeated in different sections.
This guide is just to help and give ideas.

Walking your dog.

Before you venture out check the pavement is not to hot for your dogs paws. Place your hand on the pavement for 10 seconds and if your hand start to burn then it's way to hot for your dog to walk on.
The heat of the pavement will burn and blister your dogs feet giving you a costly vet bill so check the pavement before you leave.

The best time to go for a walk with your dog is early in the morning and late at night as the sun wont be as hot as it is between 12 and 3pm which is the hottest time of day.

If your dog goes for a swim don't allow him to rest in the sunshine when hes wet as the water will warm up on his coat making him even hotter make him rest in the shade. Swimming is a great way of letting you dog cool down just make sure he dries in the shade.

If you can, Take a water bottle and a bowl with you so your dog can have a drink. Water is so important your dog can get dehydrated very quickly.
At best take a larger bottle so you and your dog can drink, The best bowl to take is a fold-able silicone bowl as this will fold small enough to fit in a bag and light so the only heavy thing is the water.

Resting is so important on a long dog walk if you see your dog panting excessively then take a rest 5 or 10 minuets in a shaded spot this will help to reduce your dogs heart rate and he will cool down.
Your dog doesn't sweat like humans, Humans sweat through there skin were as dogs can only sweat through panting and there paw pads but mainly panting is the best way for them to cool there self down.
Here are the signs to look out for to make sure your dog is not over heating and in danger.
Excessive panting
Warm to the Touch 
Thick ropy saliva in the Mouth.
Bright or Dark Red Tongue.
Vomiting, Bloody Diarrhoea.
Glazed Eyes
Excessive Thirst
Weakness, Collapse
Increased Pulse and Heart Beat
If you feel your dog may be over heating contact your vet for advice.
Over heating can cause death.

Travelling With Your Dog.

NEVER leave your dog in a locked parked car on a hot day even if it's in the shade.
Cars can be dog killers when you leave your dog in the car, The car will heat up quickly and the temperature can soar inside. The temperature outside can be 25 degrees but inside for the dog will feel more like 50 degrees. Even if your only gone for 5 minuets it takes minuets for your car to feel like an oven.
Even if you crack the window the car will not cool down the temperature will still soar the air will not circulate.
If you wouldn't stay in the car with the window open a little and the doors shut with no air-con in the hot weather then don't put your dog in there.

Always make sure you have plenty of water for your entire journey best get a none spill water bowl for the car so your dog can drink on the move. in case you run out you can refill your bottle at service stations and if you are at a pud then while your at the bar buying drinks you can ask for a pint of tap water which is free so use this water in your dogs bowl to save using your bottled water and that can be used for the journey home. 

Through your journey keep fresh cool air circulating in the car its so important for your dog to have a comfortable  ride. Remember be careful when you have the windows down if they are fully open your dog may jump out and yes this has happened to many people before. Have you seen Marley and Me haha.

If travelling a long distance make a few stops along the way for your dog to get fresh air and have a rest in the shade.

When you get to your destination remember the tips from above.

A great tip is to put the air-con on before you get in the car to cool the temperature for your journey.

At Home

Get a paddling pool they keep your dog cool and can also be fun. Plastic hard pools are better add a few toys so it interests your dog.

My dog has a dog tent that was for children but my dog loves it, I always place it in the shade and it is always nice and cool inside and the side air vents allows cool air to flow right through. Its also comfy as its on the grass dog tunnels are also a great idea remember to buy a tunnel that will fit your dog.

If your dog digs up your garden and lays down in it he is taking the top soil off to get the cool soil under neath.

Make sure your dog has fresh clean water to drink always refresh there water through out the day, a great tip is to add a few ice cubes to keep the water cooler.

Always keep an eye on your dog in the garden my dog has a tendance to sleep in the sunshine and cause he has dark fur he gets very hot very quickly so moves them into the shade.

You can make ice cube treats fill an ice cube tray and add small chunks in each compartment of cheese, carrots, ham, peas and much more, check what you are allowed to feed your dog before hand.
Then fill with water freeze an you have tasty cubes for you dogs to eat.
You can also use bowls, plastic cups to make different sized ice cubes. 

Wet a towel squeeze the excess then place outside for your dog to lie on the cool towel will feel so nice on your dogs belly and he will feel cooler.

Avoid over exercising your dog in the warm heat.

This is for all dogs but specially for long eared dogs the warm weather can melt the wax so keep an ear on your dog if he is scratching his ears. Check and wipe away any wax that may irritate their ears.

If you have a gazebo for your garden this is a great way of providing plenty of shade on the grass for your dog.

Us a fan to keep them cool inside your house if you feel warm your dog will feel warm if you have a tiled kitchen floor keep the door open so they can cool off by sleeping on the cold tiled floor.

Try not to chain your dog up outside if you have to then always tie them in the shade and with plenty of fresh clean water.

You can buy a cooling mat the mat is cold to the touch and is perfect for your dog to lie can be used outdoors and inside.

Your Dog 

If your dog has long fur then consider having there fur cut short ask your groomer for advice. Above is my dogs summer cut.

Remember just like humans dogs skin can burn especially if your dog has white/light coloured fur. Sun burn is not nice and will cause discomfort so keep an eye on your dog when he is in the sun.

Dark fur absorbs heat very quick so always keep them in the shade took your dogs back and if his fur feel warm or hot then cool them down by placing them in the shade.
Well thats all I can think for now.
I really hope this has helped some of you and also gave you some idea's.
All I want to do is raise awareness of how dangerous the heat can be for your dog.

I know some of these are obvious but these things still happen.

From me and my dog Oliver have a fantastic safe and happy summer.

