My Furry Friend Tag.

Here's the My Furry Friend Tag.
There is a total of 9 questions to answer so here it is.

1.What is your pet's names?
He is called Oliver, He is called after Oliver Twist.

 2.What kind of pet is it and what breed?
He is a Dog, and he is a Blue Roan English Cocker Spaniel.

3.How long have you had your pet friend?
I have had him 4 years and 3 months.

4. How did you get your pet?
We got him from a breeder she was local breeder and I emailed her to see if she was planning of having any puppies later that year. She sad no but she did have a puppy he was 12 weeks old.
She was going to show him but circumstances changed and decided to find him a home.
We planned a visit the next day and put the deposit down and collected him the next week as we needed to buy bed bowls and get the garden sorted ready for this little bundle of cuteness.

5.How old is your pet?
He is 4 years and 6 months old.

6) What are some quirky things about your pet’s personality?
He loves to sit on me and chew his chews.
He will talk meaning he make some funny noises that are different volumes and if you say tell me he will start barking.
On days he doesn't want to go for a walk he will go a little way then turn his back and lay down and not move so we have to come home.
He has super powers when it comes to bathing him I don't need to do anything of say anything he just knows that I am going to bath him so he will go in the garden and not one back in.
7.What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
Everything I love my dog he is a family member he means the world to me. I couldn't imagine not having a dog in my life.
8.What are some of your favourite past times with your pet?
We both walk everyday through fields forests and rivers. I love taking him for a walk and its so nice to see him find a friend to play with.
He loves car journeys so we take him to the beach a lot when his feet touch the sand he gets so excited, off his lead to run free, seeing him happy makes me happy.
9.What are the nicknames that you call your pet?
I call him, Pup, Pumpkin, Oll, Ollie, Oliver Twist.
I tag everyone to do this. It so nice to share your pets if you have done this tag please comment below I would love see your pets.

1) What is your pet’s name?
2) What kind of pet is it and what breed?
3) How long have you had your pet friend?
4) How did you get your pet?
5) How old is your pet?
6) What are some quirky things about your pet’s personality?
7) What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
8) What are some of your favorite past times with your pet?
9) What are the nicknames that you call your pet?
Here some more pictures of Oliver.

