BlogLife: Organising my Blog.

I wanted to organise my blog for a while because I have been so disorganised when it comes to uploading it has been all over the place.
My content has not been very different from the last posts so I am now sorting that out making sure I uploads a range of different content.

I have been making a schedule for me to keep up with and so that I know when and what I am posting. Also for you how check out and follow now what days to check in.

Here is the schedule of when I am uploading:

Monday - Beauty
Tuesday - #
Wednesday - Fashion
Thursday - #
Friday - Lifestyle
Saturday - #
Sunday - Oliver's Corner

Please note I will try my very hardest to keep to this schedule.

The day that are marked with a hashtag I have nothing planned to upload but sometimes I may upload as I may have filled each of the scheduled days so I will add an extra post.

I have changed a few things on my blog like colour and background, An this may happen more often when I feel I need to change it.

There will be a new post tomorrow on, Oliver's Corner.

