Meet my Dog Oliver With This Small Introduction.

Oliver's Corner is something I wanted to do on my blog from the start.
As I love to share whatever I'm into or want to talk about my blog can have many different posts about almost anything.
This is a little introduction to Oliver's Corner.
So here is my first Oliver's Corner post.
Hi I'm Oliver I am 4 1/2 years old.
I'm an English Cocker Spaniel.
I love food I am such a hunter if there's food about I'm there hoping to get a little piece all I have to do is give my sad eyes and they give in, Only the human food that I'm aloud.
I also love going on walks my owner is very happy to take me out everyday in all weathers.
My owner takes me for long walks at least 2 miles everyday we walk all around my village and we also go for walks at the river, If I'm aloud I can go in for a swim.
I love playing with my toys I am quite spoilt my favourites are soft cuddly toys especially with squeakers.
I am really good with tricks:
I Give paws
Hold a treat on my nose
Walk past treats without eating them
I can do the bang trick
and my favourite is the Meerkat where I sit up and hold my paws like a meerkat. 
and a few more...
Keep check back for more from me..
Here's my lovely dog Oliver he's such a friendly and loving little dog, With a very happy personality.
He makes me smile everyday with funny things he does.
Oliver's Corner is a part of my blog that's about my dog Oliver also pet hauls and about dog products and my experience with dogs and interesting things Oliver does and well lots of pictures. I really enjoy sharing and have such a passion about animals and especially dogs.
I will be putting more dog madness on here soon.
